a message for you!sorry to anyone who actually genuinely wants this urlmaybe next year this url will be up for grabs?

hi if anyone's reading this. if you're not t, I advise you to turn back but I don't really care.this is just a message for you to leave me alone. I am not the person that I was when you met me and I mean that quite literally, I am not unsweet. me and unsweet are two separate parts and to emphasize that we are different to you, I'll state out qualities.I identify as a girl, unsweet doesn't. I don't have dysphoria, unsweet does. I am cold, unsweet was warm. I don't mind growing up, unsweet is mentally stuck at 14 and finally... unsweet loved you and I loved you toojust in different ways, I guess... unsweet would've never wanted to hurt you, unsweet was confused and scared by my feelings of hostility towards you when I slowly took the role of hosting. we were a mess, we didn't know who we were and our excuse was that our identity was fluid and that was it. everything wrong that I had done back in 2020-2022 was to protect us, in an unhealthy way I realize that now and the things I did wrong just because I was misguided is no excuse but you were actively hurting us.you must've been so confused when I grew closer to him with all the things unsweet said to you and you must've been even more confused when unsweet got lovey dovey with you after the break up, I wasn't in control when unsweet was affectionate to you. they didn't want to leave you, they wanted you by our side forever and they kicked me out of front to try and convince you to stay with us... but in the end, I just wanted to be done with you, I blocked you so fast when I had the opening to and I made sure to block you everywhere just incase they or someone else took charge again and contacted you. the whole reason why I chose carrd to do this is to limit any possible way of contact because I can't trust my system to do what's best for us.unsweet went dormant shortly after that due to shame and ever since then, I've been hosting alone and building my own identity after years of masquerading and thinking I was them.leave us alone, that's all I ask simply. you are a stranger to me and I don't remember you despite having interacted with you due to the fact that other parts are now holding those memories.

just for clarification:I am not an IRL and neither was unsweet lol
we both used the term most similar to what we experienced and that experience was being introjects 👍 we just didn't know that we were a system until it was too late... that being said, neither of us should've encouraged that delusional line of thinking.
I also discourage unhealthy attachment to sources now! so don't use that as a counterpoint for when you talk about meI don't delve in unhealthy behaviors anymore as I don't see any point in it now that I've gotten betterL has gotten better toowe don't use carrd anymore either, so it's odd that you're still keeping the fireafy url despite you obviously hating it and what it reminds you of.I am disinterested in making myself seem better in comparison to you or others, I know what I am and that is flawed. I am doing this out of my own selfishness and not for you to get closure, do not get it twisted.and finally, I would not have made this if it wasn't for you sending "cowardlycrow" after us.I do not owe you a proper goodbye.